Canvass 2025
Welcome to Canvass 2025!
Our annual Canvass Pledge Drive goal is to continue growing the church so we can once again ask a priest to join us some day. In the mean time we continue “To be a church that passionately embraces and values all people, growing in the love of Christ through word and action”.
As we prepare for 2025, please consider making a pledge. Members of the
Vestry and the Canvass Team are always available for questions and comments.
We look forward to receiving your pledge card by Sunday October 20th. This
allows the Vestry to plan for operating expenses and obligations for the coming
year. With your help, we will continue to spread the Light of Christ in our community.
Rich Gould
Your canvass team:
Tom Peterson, Scott Hance, Gary Petzinger, Dick Collins, Pamela Reed, Terry Elofson, Ken St. John, Rich Gould
Canvass 2025 Introduction Letter
Stewardship Lesson with Bp. Rickel
Stewardship Sermon by Bp. Rickel (October4, 2020)
Stewardship Lesson with Bp. Rickel
Stewardship Sermon by Bp. Rickel (October4, 2020)