Good Friday
March 29, 2024
7 PM Liturgy – No Protocols (In-Person and Virtual)
Live In-Person: 6800 Eastside Dr. NE, Tacoma, WA 98422
Zoom Live Events Portal
For order of service, please see Worship Guides.
Live In-Person: 6800 Eastside Dr. NE, Tacoma, WA 98422
Zoom Live Events Portal
For order of service, please see Worship Guides.
Good Friday (or "God's Friday") is the second day of the three days long liturgy (in Latin - Triduum, meaning "three days") leading up to Jesus' Resurrection, which is the central and most important feature of Jesus' life and ministry. On Good Friday, God dies on the Cross. Since the Cross becomes the symbol of death redeemed through the Resurrection, on this day we spend some time with the Cross to ponder and connect with its mysteries. After a time of reflection and veneration, we then dine on the remaining elements from the night before as a reminder that even though Jesus dies on this day, he is still present with us in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood.
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